Training plan
Don Bosco Alumni Formation
We understand the formation of the Don Bosco Alumni as follows:
- as a process of continuous realization (perfection or maturation) of the person through the cultivation of the diverse and multiple dimensions that are proper to him as a human person and as a baptized person who has Jesus Christ as his model and guide;
- as an integrating action, insofar as it embraces the whole person, in all his dimensions, as a free, responsible being, open to others, called to reproduce in himself the image of Jesus Christ in a process tending to the greatest possible fullness. Training, as we understand it here, encompasses the whole person;
- in terms of gradualness: the formative task is not carried out all at once. It involves a succession of stages that are neither juxtaposed nor unconnected. It proceeds in a gradual, progressive and intensifying manner. It is understood in the form of a spiral that allows to progressively deepen in the same basic realities that develop, deepen and complement each other. In this way, formation corresponds to the reality of the personality, which is not something static that is made once and for all, but a dynamic, creative and perfectible reality, capable of orderly and progressive maturation.
This Training Plan proposes to promote:
Human and family formation in all its complexity
- Christian formation
- Salesian formation
- Organizational training
- Training on current issues
Human dimension
The identity of individualsTOPIC 4
Organizational dimension
The AA.AA.D.B. todayTOPIC 2
Christian dimension
Alumni identityTOPIC 5
Emerging issue
Towards a synodal ChurchTOPIC 3
Salesian Dimension
The identity of the AA.AA.DD.Confederation
DBE Magazine
Our partnerships
C/ Alcalá 211, bajo 11.
28028 Madrid
+34 646 284 420