
The social network that unites the entire Don Bosco Alumni network


Main objective: to unite the entrepreneurial and personal fabric of Don Bosco Alumni.

At the beginning of its term of office, the current Confederal Executive made it a priority to reach out to the business world. Also in our meetings with the Rector Major, d. Ángel Fernández Artime, and the Inspectors of Spain have reiterated to us the opportunity that the Past Pupils Association has as a bridge between the Salesian Works and the world of work and for this it is essential to mobilize the Past Pupils (associated or not) who are in the world of work.

In some European countries, such as Slovakia, France and Malta, initiatives of this type have been developed and are called Plataforma Business. But in our case, BoscoLink simply wants to be a network of contacts. a network of contacts and a and an engine of solidarity and commitment with the Salesian Mission.

Why Boscolink and Boscolinks?

In this network of contacts, all its members have something in common.

In this network, all its members have something in common, Don Bosco, it is he who connects us, and it is his education that he has left in our lives and in our professional competence.

BoscoLinks, in plural wants to put the accent to generate, network. Networking among professionals allows us to progress at a technical level and to contribute our professional competence to the Salesian Mission; at the same time it allows us to help young people at the beginning of their professional life and other Past Pupils in need, as Don Bosco himself asked us to do.


Professional contacts

BoscoLink aims to achieve the following objectives:

Generate a network of professional contacts of people who have been educated in a Salesian House and who can collaborate with each other.

To bring these professionals closer to the Salesian Works and Past Pupils Associations and to propose them solidarity actions adapted to their characteristics.

To create spaces for training and exchange of ideas for the human, Christian and Salesian development of people involved in the professional world.

Local groups and commissions

BoscoLink is not only a digital initiative, but also aims to generate face-to-face contacts at the local level and develop collaboration between professionals in the same field.

Local Groups: In order to promote the diffusion throughout the territory and the relationship with the Associations, upon reaching a minimum number of people, we will generate a Local Group, and in agreement with the local president and his Board, we will initiate periodic networking meetings.

Commissions: In order to achieve a greater professional interrelation, we should group people according to their knowledge and interest, so when we reach a certain number of professionals (number to be determined) we would create a Commission, in which we would put in contact all those who belong to the same sector.

What can you find on our website?

Interactive Map: where you will find all the business contacts of all those who are interested, and a simple way of professional contact.

Presentation videos: we would like to ask you to make short videos in which you present your company or professional action.

Discussion forums: every month we will launch a discussion topic on the website, so that a small debate can take place between professionals, on technical developments in the business world, management issues, administration, human resources.

Webinar: some online training may be organized, in coordination with the training committee, on some of the most relevant topics.


DBE Magazine

Our partnerships




Our values

The values of an AA.AA.DB Association. are the principles on which the essence of our movement is based, and allow us to create our guidelines of behavior and relationship with the rest of FASA and our environment (parish, family, work, friends…) under the premise of “good Christians and honest citizens”.

All our global and national regulations include the necessary basic values, although not as a clear and precise section with that name, but included within the aims and objectives of the movement. Therefore, they are telling us how carry out the mission and vision of the Associations, with what tools I can achieve the Association’s goals, with what tools I can achieve the Association’s goals, and with what tools I can achieve the Association’s goals.

Creative fidelity

Presentation: It speaks of creative, dynamic fidelity to the original inspiration of Don Bosco and to the current situation of the world and the Church, of original plurality, of taking seriously the defense and promotion of the “non-negotiable” values: life, freedom and truth, of numerical and qualitative strengthening of the Local Associations. We are asked to adopt the right leadership and management tools to successfully implement our actions.

Fighting injustice

Prayer-Promise: We promise to fight injustice, superficiality and indifference; to defend with commitment the Salesian values we have learned, particularly: life, freedom and truth.

Social commitment

Chapter III. Purpose and objectives of the AA.AA.DB Association. (Arts. 6 to 13): General purpose: to promote and defend by all means the social, political and economic commitment of the alumni to the values of life, liberty and truth.

Confederal Statute of Spain 2018

  • Chapter II (Arts. 3): Aims and Objectives of the Association. 1) To preserve, deepen, act and update the values of the education received at the Don Bosco School, accompanying the associates in their personal, family and community growth.

  • Subsequently, in Article 3, it determines how to carry out these goals and objectives:

Therefore, the Association:

  1. a) Program permanent training experiences through a systematic training plan duly accepted by the National Council.

  1. b) It contributes to a more just and supportive society, influencing the cultural, social, moral, spiritual, religious and political processes in which the most appropriate responses to the social, economic and labor problems of young people and the popular sectors are decided.

  1. c) Witnesses to and defends the values and dignity of the family, love and life and encourages homes to become, like the Oratory of Don Bosco, “a house that welcomes, a parish that evangelizes, a school that prepares for life and a courtyard where friendship and joy are shared”.

  1. d) Accompanies young people, from the first years of their formative process, making them aware of the Association and its purposes, reserving for them occasions of encounter and helping them later in their insertion into the adult and working world.

  1. e) Encourages their participation in Salesian volunteer activities, with the prospect of missionary commitment.

  1. f) Establish communication channels that maintain, at least, contact with associates and non-associates.
“I send a fraternal embrace to all the Past Pupils of Don Bosco and to all of you who visit this website. The main driving force of our responsibility in the mission field of the AAAA is the attitude of service. To encourage, to accompany, to protect and to be faithful to the charism of Don Bosco are our proposals for the performance of our mission. Weak forces when united become strong. With this motto and with these purposes the Confederal Executive and, myself as President, are in permanent readiness to welcome. ”

– Diego Aragón. President.

Who are we?

Our national executive

We would like to take this opportunity to present the current executive of the Confederation of Former Students of Don Bosco in Spain.

Diego Aragon

Diego Aragon


Eusebio Martinez

Eusebio Martinez


Juan Manuel Jaldo

Juan Manuel Jaldo

Vice President, Secretary

Jose Naranjo

Jose Naranjo


Pedro J. Cantos

Pedro J. Cantos

Training, Fundación Juan Bosco Siglo XXI

Alonso Jimenez

Alonso Jimenez

Animation and Coordination of Local Associations

Angel Gudiña

Angel Gudiña

Volunteering, Platforms and External Relations

Juan Llaca

Juan Llaca

Vice-treasurer-responsible for administration and financial management


C/ Alcalá 211, bajo 11.

28028 Madrid



+34 646 284 420
