Who we are

It is Don Bosco himself, his educational system and his mission, who gives unity and brings all its members together in communion, since we are members of the Salesian Family, by virtue of the education we have received and our fidelity to Don Bosco.
DBE MagazineNews

Who are we?

The Don Bosco Alumni are people who have gone through a Salesian work.

Salesian Past Pupils are people who have been involved in a Salesian work: in a school as pupils, or as members of youth centers, parishioners of Salesian parishes, in an oratory… If, in addition, we freely express, in an application for admission, the desire to belong to an association of Past Pupils of Don Bosco, we become Past Pupils integrated in the Spanish National Confederation of Past Pupils of Don Bosco, thus becoming part of the great Salesian Family.

We are an International Movement of young people and adults of both sexes. Among us there is an original plurality, since we declare our belonging to the Church, but there are members, with full title and right, of different Christian confessions, of different levels of acceptance and practice of the faith, and even of different religions. It is Don Bosco himself, his educational system and his mission, who gives unity and brings all its members together in communion, since we are members of the Salesian Family, by virtue of the education we have received and our fidelity to Don Bosco.

We are workers, students, university students, professionals, who carry out our work in an honest and professional manner, and we express our openness to today’s world with a concrete social commitment, stating that we want to be “salt of the earth” and “light of the world”, engaged in volunteer work, in the oratories and in pastoral work with young people.

The alumnus decides to live his or her membership in the Association as a life project, as a choice or as a mission.

As Don Bosco Alumni we strive to build a better world. At this moment in history, society, the Church and the Salesian Family ask us to defend and promote the values of life, freedom and truth. Inserted in the living fabric of society, we are called to be the defenders of these values, living our lay existence guided by a clear moral conscience.

Don Bosco calls us, once again, to be good Christians and honest citizens; to promote human dignity and the identity of the family; to practice solidarity in the Association and outside it, especially in favor of the most disadvantaged young people; …to be in contact with the young people who finish their educational process in the Salesian houses in order to invite them to participate in the Association, which will make them feel always more “pupils of Don Bosco” and will offer them the opportunity of a continuous formation and a concrete aggregation for their social commitment.

The Association is also presented as an instrument of diffusion of the educational action of the Congregation.

We Past Pupils feel committed to our families, at school, at work, in the society in which we live, as free associated persons, to be able to defend and put into practice the human values received during their Salesian formation.

For this reason, we are organized in Local Associations or Unions, in Regional Federations, National Confederation and World Confederation, to work together in the construction of a future worthy of the human person.

As Christians and believers, we try to celebrate our faith, coming together to deepen our faith and share our experiences.

Our mission and vision

Our vision is the purpose that identifies a person who has gone through the experience of the Salesian charism.

Through this trinomial, we are going to define the identity and objectives of the AA.AA.DB. Association, it is like an Explanatory Memorandum of the essence of the alumni movement.

The mission is the reason for doing something; the vision refers to what we want to achieve in the future with what we are doing, while the values are the principles that will allow us to create our behavior patterns. Therefore, mission and vision are stated at the same time and must be consistent with each other, since they both pursue the same objective, nurturing or outlining the values on which they are based.

Our Mission

The mission of the AA.AA.DB Association. is characterized by its Salesian charism, faithfully committed to the values of the Preventive System received, sensitive to its environment, especially with young people, for whom it is concerned and works actively, configuring a formative, mutual aid, family, cultural and evangelizing project.

Our vision

The vision of the AA.AA.DB Association. is the purpose that identifies a person who has gone through the experience of the Salesian charism, who has clearly defined the objective to which he/she intends to reach with the values received, enthusing, inspiring and motivating his/her environment to achieve the projected goals.


DBE Magazine

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Our values

The values of an AA.AA.DB Association. are the principles on which the essence of our movement is based, and allow us to create our guidelines of behavior and relationship with the rest of FASA and our environment (parish, family, work, friends…) under the premise of “good Christians and honest citizens”.

All our global and national regulations include the necessary basic values, although not as a clear and precise section with that name, but included within the aims and objectives of the movement. Therefore, they are telling us how carry out the mission and vision of the Associations, with what tools I can achieve the Association’s goals, with what tools I can achieve the Association’s goals, and with what tools I can achieve the Association’s goals.

Creative fidelity

Presentation: It speaks of creative, dynamic fidelity to the original inspiration of Don Bosco and to the current situation of the world and the Church, of original plurality, of taking seriously the defense and promotion of the “non-negotiable” values: life, freedom and truth, of numerical and qualitative strengthening of the Local Associations. We are asked to adopt the right leadership and management tools to successfully implement our actions.

Fighting injustice

Prayer-Promise: We promise to fight injustice, superficiality and indifference; to defend with commitment the Salesian values we have learned, particularly: life, freedom and truth.

Social commitment

Chapter III. Purpose and objectives of the AA.AA.DB Association. (Arts. 6 to 13): General purpose: to promote and defend by all means the social, political and economic commitment of the alumni to the values of life, liberty and truth.

Confederal Statute of Spain 2018

  • Chapter II (Arts. 3): Aims and Objectives of the Association. 1) To preserve, deepen, act and update the values of the education received at the Don Bosco School, accompanying the associates in their personal, family and community growth.

  • Subsequently, in Article 3, it determines how to carry out these goals and objectives:

Therefore, the Association:

  1. a) Program permanent training experiences through a systematic training plan duly accepted by the National Council.

  1. b) It contributes to a more just and supportive society, influencing the cultural, social, moral, spiritual, religious and political processes in which the most appropriate responses to the social, economic and labor problems of young people and the popular sectors are decided.

  1. c) Witnesses to and defends the values and dignity of the family, love and life and encourages homes to become, like the Oratory of Don Bosco, “a house that welcomes, a parish that evangelizes, a school that prepares for life and a courtyard where friendship and joy are shared”.

  1. d) Accompanies young people, from the first years of their formative process, making them aware of the Association and its purposes, reserving for them occasions of encounter and helping them later in their insertion into the adult and working world.

  1. e) Encourages their participation in Salesian volunteer activities, with the prospect of missionary commitment.

  1. f) Establish communication channels that maintain, at least, contact with associates and non-associates.

“I send a fraternal embrace to all the Past Pupils of Don Bosco and to all of you who visit this website. The main driving force of our responsibility in the mission field of the AAAA is the attitude of service. To encourage, to accompany, to protect and to be faithful to the charism of Don Bosco are our proposals for the performance of our mission. Weak forces when united become strong. With this motto and with these purposes the Confederal Executive and, myself as President, are in permanent readiness to welcome. “

– Diego Aragón. President.

Who are we?

Our national executive

We would like to take this opportunity to present the current executive of the Confederation of Former Students of Don Bosco in Spain.

Diego Aragon

Diego Aragon


Eusebio Martinez

Eusebio Martinez


Juan Manuel Jaldo

Juan Manuel Jaldo

Vice President, Secretary

Jose Naranjo

Jose Naranjo


Pedro J. Cantos

Pedro J. Cantos

Training, Fundación Juan Bosco Siglo XXI

Alonso Jimenez

Alonso Jimenez

Animation and Coordination of Local Associations

Angel Gudiña

Angel Gudiña

Volunteering, Platforms and External Relations

Juan Llaca

Juan Llaca

Vice-treasurer-responsible for administration and financial management


C/ Alcalá 211, bajo 11.

28028 Madrid



+34 646 284 420

